Home Automation with ESP8266 Part III - now with a real PCB.

Small update: as the ESP-based implementation turned out to work quite reliable, I've designed a small pcb to make the thing even more robust and to lower the effort for me to build one.

The boards have arrived yesterday:

Quality turned out to be quite nice. And soldering works much quicker now.

That gives the ESP a more reliable base now. :-) The orientation of ESP is still that it is sticking out of the board, as I don't want the antenna covered up between the relay and the power supply later on in the enclosure.

And luckily pcb design went right and everything is working well.


  1. Excellent work! Would it be possible to purchase this board from you?

    1. Hi Nathan,

      sure, I still have a few left here, which I didn't make use of yet.
      But as the batch was quite small, one board comes at cost of 3.30 USD or 4.65 SGD plus shipment.

      Depending a bit on what you gonna plan to do with it, there is also another alternative, which might be cheaper. (with the board you still would have to buy all the components and solder it together)

      I recently bought a few of these ones:

      They are much cheaper than assembling everything yourself and are coming with integrated power adapter, enclosure etc. and are based on ESP chip as well.
      I flashed one of them recently with nodemcu, which worked, but nodemcu never came up after restarting, not sure what went wrong. But I didn't spend much more time on it yet. But other people seems to have done it successfully:

      So let me know in case you are still interested in some of these boards.



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